
Patti’s May 3 “Inside New Gloucester” column

Tom Blake, decked out in period attire, recites the same address as was delivered at New Gloucester’s celebration a century ago. The town semiquincentennial event “Spoken Word Stage,” organized by Penny Hilton, took place at Coolidge Family Farm on April 25. Nine orators took the stage to share favorite poems or heartfelt stories, both original and by other authors, evoking laughter and tears. Patti Mikkelsen / For Lakes Region Weekly

Age-friendly town

New Gloucester has been accepted as a member of the AARP Age-Friendly Network. It sent a letter of interest to join the network in early April and recently received a certificate as an age-friendly community.

The letter included a commitment that the Economic Development Committee would lead a base assessment of the community’s age accessibility with a town-wide survey. The committee will then create a community action plan with this feedback.

“New Gloucester recognizes the importance of promoting age-friendly planning and policies to address changing demographics in our community and to make our town a lifelong livable community for all ages,” the Select Board wrote.

For Patti Mikkelsen’s complete column in the Lakes Region Weekly, go to