
Slate of RFPs, Town Hall mold remediation on May 20 Select Board agenda

Replacing the heating and cooling system at Town Hall and remediating mold there are among items on the Select Board’s May 20 agenda. They will also consider several sets of bid documents and a request from Brickyard Hollow to renew its liquor license.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Meetinghouse and will be broadcast on local cable and live-streamed at this link.

Voters approved purchase of a dump truck and loader for Public Works at May town meeting, so it’s time to solicit bids for their purchase.  The Select Board will review bid documents for those items.

Also on deck are RFPs for paving/chip seal work and for the annual sand and gravel contract. Roads listed for paving or chip seal work are Chandler Mill Road, Colbath Road, Morse Road from Chestnut Common to the river bridge, and Gloucester Hill Road.

The board will hear a recommendation from Public Works Director Ted Shane, who oversees Buildings & Grounds, to award a contract to Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning of Lewiston for a new heating and cooling system at Town Hall. Aire Serv’s price is $120,000. 

On a new but related item, the board will also consider a $16,000 estimate from ServiceMaster for mold remediation in Town Hall. Spaces affected include the building’s basement and the storage room and boiler room.  

Also on the agenda are a liquor license renewal request from Brickyard Hollow and formal preparatory steps for the June 11 election. Find the full agenda at this link.

Public comments can be submitted by email before 10 a.m. on Monday, May 20, to and If you want your written comment read aloud, please indicate that in the subject line.

Find contact information for Select Board members and links to meeting agendas, minutes and related documents at this link.