|Kyla Viger|
On Sunday, January 28, the New Gloucester Environmental Resources Committee (ERC) hosted a winter seed-starting workshop led by their own Diane Lamson. Community members attended the event held in the Community Building and got a chance to learn about the process of starting certain types of plants outdoors in the winter to allow them the cold temperatures they need to thrive in the spring. Through the dedicated efforts of Lamson, the ERC was able to obtain seed and soil donations through the Maine Cooperative Extension Service Master Gardener Volunteer Program, and ERC committee members donated their gently used planter pots to promote sustainability.
Some of the seeds the group planted included coneflower, goldenrod, and brown-eyed susan, which are all native to Maine and are excellent additions to a pollinator garden! If you’re interested in starting your own seeds early to winter-over, the ERC encourages you to attend next year’s event (date to be announced in NGX sometime in late fall)! Make sure to cover the seeds with a light sprinkling of soil, give them a thorough watering, and leave them uncovered outdoors for anywhere between 2 and 5 months before planting season starts. If hungry critters are a concern, consider covering the pots with a thin layer of landscaper fabric or a small-mesh chicken wire.
The ERC has several fun and exciting events lined up for 2024, so keep an eye out for upcoming flyers and promotional materials!