Another good-sized group walked Quarry Road from Maine Street (Route 26) to N. Raymond Road, about two miles last Wednesday. The dirt road had some bare spots (relatively dry) and other sections were covered with 3-4 inches of semi-packed snow. We enjoyed another pretty day and the closed road gave us plenty of room for a safe and talkative trek.
We decided to stay off a woods trail for another week although we are anxious to get back on some of the great wooded trails we have in this area. We are going to try another dirt road in a different part of New Gloucester on April 5, 10:00 am. This time we will meet at the corner of Peacock Hill Road and Hatch Road in New Gloucester for a hike on Hatch Road. This is not far from the New Gloucester Post Office as a reference. I think the best parking will be along Hatch Road. Diantha and Don clocked the walking distance at 2.2 miles if we walk to Rowe Station Road and back. It will be an easy trek and gives us a chance to explore another part of town.
Please dress for the weather and the walking conditions of the day.
Stay safe and keep active,
— Anne Maurice