Culture Spotlight

Village Coffeehouse features local Bluegrass band Saturday, February 1

Kick off February with traditional yet contemporary bluegrass tunes from local band Pine Tarnations at the Village Coffeehouse. The band takes the stage on Saturday, February 1, at 7 p.m. in the vestry of the First Congregational Church, 19 Gloucester Hill Road.

Tickets are  $10 at the door, and refreshments will be available. 

Pine Tarnations brings together longtime New Gloucester bandmates guitarist Renee St. Jean and mandolinist Ben DeTroy with friends fiddler Emily Wiederkehr (Portland), bassist Ben Jensen (Freeport) and banjo/dobro player Chuck Peters, another New Gloucesterite. As soon as they got together in 2024, they realized they had something special, both musically and interpersonally.

Come see and hear for yourself Saturday night at the Village Coffeehouse!