The board will discuss town-owned property in the Upper Village, consider a policy for the Parks and Recreation Department’s special revenue account and move forward on a command vehicle for Fire Rescue and on paint and stain work at the Town Hall Complex, among other topics, at their October 16 meeting.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Meetinghouse and will be broadcast on local cable and live-streamed at this link.
Upper Village. Town’s Upper Village parcel at 1036 Lewiston Road, site of the former Public Works garage and the old salt and sand shed. Both the property and the shed have implications for the long-term development of the Upper Village and, nearer-term, for the 2024-25 municipal budget now in the works.
Parks and Rec special revenue account. The board will discuss a draft policy concerning administration of Parks and Recreation’s special revenue account. The account is a voter-approved fund that collects recreation fees from participants and uses them–instead of taxpayer funds–to cover program expenses. Net profits accumulate year-to-year, expanding Parks and Rec offerings instead of washing back into the town’s general Undesignated Fund Balance. Read the draft Special Revenue Fund policy at p.22 of the meeting agenda packet.
Fire Rescue command vehicle. The board will consider Chief Craig Bouchard’s recommendation to purchase a 2022 Ford Expedition SSV from Commander Fleet and use $2,980 in ARPA to reach the $62,980 price. Voters approved a $60,000 budget for a command vehicle. Find Bouchard’s recommendation and the vehicle specs at pp. 12-17
Paint/stain at Town Hall Complex. The board will return to the bids to paint and stain the exteriors of five buildings at the Town Hall Complex. Public Works Director Ted Shane previously recommended awarding the work to Pescinski Paint of Tilton, New Hampshire, but board members were unsettled by the wide spread of prices and wanted a conversation with Shane. Find Shane’s recommendation and the specs at pp. 18-21.
Environmental Resources Committee. The board will discuss ERC’s recent work and conversations on a climate resilience partnership initiative. The state-funded program offers the prospect of grant funding for community-specific projects. The board is scheduled to have a workshop with ERC at 6 p.m. on October 16, just before this meeting.
NG Cable TV. The Cable TV franchise agreement is up for consideration. A representative from the Greater Portland Council of Governments, Tony Plante, is slated to present information at the meeting.
Find the full October 16, 2023, agenda packet at this link. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Meetinghouse and will be broadcast on local cable and live-streamed at this link.
Public comments can be submitted by email before 10 am on Monday, October 16, 2023, to and If you want your written comment read aloud, please indicate that in the subject line.
Find contact information for Select Board members and links to meeting agendas, minutes and related documents at this link.
— Joanne Cole