Government Spotlight

Transfer Station building, Fairgrounds bathrooms, policy updates on February 3 agenda

At their February 3 meeting, the Select Board is slated to discuss the condition and safety of the Transfer Station building, hear an update on cost estimates for the Fairgrounds bathroom project and discuss the possibility of contracting with the Town of Gray or United Ambulance for 24/7 Fire Rescue coverage.

The board may also consider revisiting their decision last month to let voters decide whether to retain the Town’s old ambulance. Interim Fire Chief Hale Fitzgerald recommended keeping the old ambulance as a back-up, given its low value on the used market.

In addition, the board is slated to take next steps on several ordinances and policy documents. Those include reviewing proposed ordinance language for the new Board of Assessment Review (pp. 34-43) recently created by the board and an ordinance authorizing the Select Board to enter into lease and lease-purchase agreements (pp. 51-54).

Also in the February 3 agenda packet is an update from Town Manager Bill Kerbin. Of particular interest, the Town has been awarded $242,000 in storm recovery funds from FEMA, arising from severe storms and flooding in December 2023. Kerbin’s memo to the board notes that the FEMA check may be affected by the recent freeze on federal grants (p.4).

The manager’s report also shares news that the Greater Portland Council of Governments has completed its traffic study and MDOT is recommending that the Lower Village intersection be made a four-way stop. In the near term, MDOT will install pedestrian signage a half-mile north and south on Intervale Road/Route 231. Find the full manager report at p.4.

Find the complete February 3, 2025, agenda and supporting documents in the meeting agenda packet at this link.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Meetinghouse and will be live-streamed at this link.

Public comments may be submitted by email before 10 a.m. on Monday, February 3, to and If you want your written comment read aloud, please indicate that in the subject line.

Find contact information for Select Board members and links to meeting agendas, minutes and related documents at this link.

Joanne Cole