Rain, rain go away……. no hike last week.
We are trying something a little different this week. It will be a combination kayak and hike event on Sept. 6 at Sabbathday Lake. Outlet Beach is at 106 Outlet Road in New Gloucester. Parking is along the road on the lake side. Please watch for traffic as you walk on the road.
Hikers can start from Outlet Beach at 10 a.m. and proceed on to the Shaker Trail. Anyone who wants to kayak and launch at Outlet Beach can meet at 9:30 a.m. and start the launching process. I know some kayakers will launch from other points on the lake.
If it all works out, we all can meet (hikers and kayakers) at Loon Point around 10:30. The kayakers and the hikers can then proceed along the lake shore to Sister Jennie’s cabin for a second rendezvous. Of course all of this is contingent upon the weather and wind conditions for kayaking.
I hope the plan will work. If the weather and winds are not cooperative, we can all just hike the Shaker Trail.
Stay safe and active,
Anne Maurice