Spotlight Wellness

Time to be a Pace Car driver!

|Anne Maurice|

With the warmer weather finally here, New Gloucester residents are out walking, running, pushing baby carriages and jogging with their dogs. Yet, drivers are still going too fast and are making it uncomfortable to enjoy our roads safely and without angst. 

The “Getting Around” sub-group of Building Livability in New Gloucester ( continues to work behind the scenes to make traffic improvements. We’ve been participating with Vision Zero, the Greater Portland Council of Governments’ action planning project to improve roads (learn more here);  we advocated for new radar speed signs in 24/25 New Gloucester budget, and one was approved at Town Meeting May 6; we continue to monitor speed on our roads (learn more here);  and we distribute orange flags for walkers to use.    

And, we now have PACE CAR decals for your car. We introduced the program last spring and over 50 people signed the PACE CAR PLEDGE at various community events during the summer and fall. 

I will:
Drive the posted speed limit on all roads.
Share the road with residents who are walking, biking, running, using a wheelchair or pushing carriages.
Stop to let pedestrians cross and be courteous to all other road users.

I will not:
• Use
my phone to talk or text while driving unless it is hands free.
Drink and drive
Insult or yell at other drivers.

The Pace Car Program allows all of us to make a difference now by taking personal responsibility for our driving habits. When we drive at the speed limit, others behind us do the same. Our actions can make the roads safer for all of us. Please consider taking the PLEDGE.

Walkers, runners, and bicyclists can also improve safety by wearing bright colors and using lights on bicycles. How about using one of our orange flags when you are out walking on the roads?

The “Getting Around” volunteers will continue to meet with Town officials, the Cumberland County Sherriff’s office, and the Maine Department of Transportation to advocate for better signage, improved intersections, and maybe, in the future, cross-walks and sidewalks where warranted.  In the meantime, I’m encouraging all of us to do our part by driving safely and watching out for our neighbors.

In June, there will be a traffic safety display at the library with lots of information about our activities and things that can be done. You can also find the Pace Car Pledge card there as well as a decal. And we’ll have a presentation on June 11 at 6 PM with GPCOG officials and BLING volunteers sharing information about all of these initiatives.