The New Gloucester Community Fair was a resounding success in many ways – attendance, weather, variety of booths, activities for children, dedicated community volunteers, and the Pace Car Pledge. Thirty people signed a Pace Car Pledge – and it was none too soon since there was a near miss at Intervale Pizza parking area 5 days after the Fair. We are lucky no one was hurt. (You can read about it here and here.)
The ‘Getting Around’ sub-group of ‘Building Livability in New Gloucester’ (BLING) continues its efforts to calm the traffic around New Gloucester so that citizens can safely use their roads. At the Fair, we heard the same story from many people living on roads all over Town. Our residents are regularly observing speeding cars as well as inattentive drivers. They recounted how they don’t dare to use the roads because they feel unsafe. We want New Gloucester roads to be available for all uses – motorized and non-motorized.
Please consider signing the Pace Car Pledge and being part of the solution to our unsafe roads in New Gloucester.
Sign the Pledge here.
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