Government Spotlight

Special Select Board meeting Tuesday Dec. 26

Editor’s note: The December 26 meeting starts at 5 p.m., not the board’s usual 7 p.m. meeting time. Thank you to an alert reader for the correction. ~ J.C.

With their December 18 meeting cancelled due to the storm, the Select Board is convening a special meeting on Tuesday, December 26.

The agenda is brief.

The board will discuss two topics tied to the December 18 storm: first, overages in the Public Works operating budget, and second, whether to request that Cumberland County be added to the counties covered by the Governor’s Civil State of Emergency. Cumberland and York Counties were not included in the December 19 order.

Only one item of new business from the cancelled meeting will be addressed on December 26: a proposed hauling contract for some Transfer Station recyclables with Corcoran Environmental Services (pp.3-8). Presumably the board will take up other December 18 topics on January 8 and after.

The December 26, 2023, Select Board special meeting agenda can be accessed at this link. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. in the Meetinghouse and will be broadcast on local cable and live-streamed at this link. Please note the special start time.

Public comments can be submitted by email before 10 am on Tuesday, December 26, 2023, to and If you want your written comment read aloud, please indicate that in the subject line.

Find contact information for Select Board members and links to meeting agendas, minutes and related documents at this link.

— Joanne Cole