Government Spotlight

Special meeting Monday Jan. 27 on Town-owned parcels

The Select Board will convene­­ a special meeting on Monday, January 27, at 6 p.m. in the Meetinghouse to discuss the status of several Town-owned properties and consider next steps. Residents are invited to attend and weigh in during public comment.

Some 16 parcels are on the list, reflecting locations across town. All but one is land only.  The meeting agenda packet lists each property, along with tax maps and assessing information, including each parcel’s assessed value, per John E. O’Donnell and Associates. Find the list, maps and details at this link.

Town-owned properties for discussion at January 27, 2025 meeting

The plan for the public session arose from complaints about shooting at the town-owned former gravel pit on Morse Road and was later broadened to include other town property. The 40-acre former gravel pit is parcel 3 on the January 27 list, with an estimated value of $400,000 and abuts Pineland Farms property.

As the January 27 session is a formal meeting of the board, public comment at the podium will be limited to about three minutes, as usual.  Residents may also email comments to and by 10 a.m. on Monday, January 27.

Joanne Cole