Will the Select Board allow Brickyard Hollow to sell a special NG 250th brew at the September 7 celebration at the Fairgrounds? Tune in to the August 5 meeting to find out whether the board will override the usual prohibition against alcohol on Town property.
The meeting will convene at 7 p.m. at the Meetinghouse and will be live-streamed at this link.
Also on the August 5 agenda:
— The next step with the underground septic system for permanent bathrooms at the Fairgrounds. The board is slated to discuss corrections to the bid documents that went out and potentially to open bids for the septic work. Read the septic RFP with maps and details in the meeting agenda packet at pp.10-18.
— A draft agreement for a short pedestrian-bike path between the Town Hall Complex and the First Congregational Church. The path would permit users to avoid the Lower Village intersection. Find a rough map and memo from Town Planner Kathy Tombarelli at pp.42-48.
— Revisions to the Town’s purchasing policy, last updated in 2020. The policy sets which purchases and services must go out for competitive bid, use of preferred vendors and other topics. Read the mark-up at pp.51-54.
— A draft RFP for demolishing and removing the former salt and sand structure in the Upper Village. Find the draft at pp.25-36.
— Amendment of the charge of the Economic Development Committee to reflect Select Board additions to the committee’s focus. Read the current and proposed charges at pp.49-50.
— An update from the Cemetery Association on the cemetery expansion project under way. Voters approved $160,000 for the four-year project.
Find the full August 5, 2024, agenda and related documents at this link.
Public comments may be submitted by email before 10 a.m. on Monday, August 5, to townmanager@newgloucester.com and smyers@newgloucester.com. If you want your written comment read aloud, please indicate that in the subject line.
Find contact information for Select Board members and links to meeting agendas, minutes and related documents at this link.
— Joanne Cole