TO: MSAD 15 Community
FROM: Craig King, Superintendent
DATE: June 23, 2023
RE: School Year 2023-24
School Year 2022-23 has formally ended, and we have begun preparing for School Year 2023-24. I want to thank the entire community for supporting our public schools, particularly those citizens who participated in the Town Meeting/Budget Validation in May and the budget referendum in June. Living and working in a community where people believe our public schools exist to educate children for their benefit and the greater good of our community, state, and country is uplifting.
Please allow me to elaborate on a few essential items for our students, parents, and employees.
School Start & End Times:
Bus Drivers Needed
MSAD 15 and school districts across Maine and the nation continue to struggle with a bus driver shortage. We continue to recruit drivers who hold commercial bus driver’s licenses. We also recruit and offer support to potential drivers who want to obtain a commercial bus driver’s license and work for MSAD 15. If you know someone interested in pursuing employment as a bus driver for MSAD 15, please have them contact Geoff Robbins at or Peggy Bowden at Bus Drivers receive a competitive wage, health insurance, dental insurance, retirement benefits, sick leave, and other benefits.
Student Transportation
We will be able to provide transportation for every student in the school district who requires transportation and registers their transportation information in PowerSchool. We will inform parents about registering their children for transportation later this summer. However, MSAD 15, like most school districts across the state, needs more bus drivers. Therefore, we respectfully request that any parents capable of transporting their student(s) to and from school do so.
I wish everyone in the school district a happy and healthy Maine summer.