
Safe Roads for All presentation, June 11

Many New Gloucester residents have voiced their concerns about safety issues on our local roads, from speeding to lack of shoulders and visibility issues. Several initiatives are underway to improve the safety of our local roads. Learn about these at a library presentation on June 11, in person and via zoom (link posted day of event).

Vision Zero- GPCOG (Greater Portland Council of Governments) is coordinating an assessment and planning effort with rural and island communities New Gloucester is part of a group of rural and island communities. Learn about what the data shows, and possible next steps.

• GPCOG is also conducting a traffic safety study of the Lower Village intersection in June, using Miovision, a technology for data collection and analysis to guide next steps.

• BLING (Building Livability in New Gloucester)volunteers are working on three traffic-calming efforts in New Gloucester: the Pace Car Program, orange flags for walkers, and speed data collection. We’ll have information at the library throughout the month of June.

Join us June 11 at 6 pm in person, or via Zoom.
Zoom link posted on the day of event.

~ Debra Smith