
Possible expansion of International Baccalaureate program, policy updates at School Board

| Janet Clemons |

Public comments were offered, and recognitions, possible IB expansion, policy updates and more were discussed at the School Board meeting on March 1.

Public Comment. During Public Comment,  five community members, including State Representative Amy Arata,  spoke about the Policy ACAAA Transgender and Gender Expansive Students passed by the Board at the February 1 meeting with a vote of 10-1.  Commenters asked for at least one board member to reconsider their vote so that the policy could be brought back to the Board for reconsideration.  Speakers expressed concerns about transparency, parental rights, and bathroom use, among other things.  

Recognition. Two Gray New Gloucester High School students were named Student-of-the-Quarter at PATHS.  Ayla Gayton was named for the Careers in Education Program. Camren Wood was named for the HVAC & Plumbing Program. 

MSAD 15 has officially certified its annual report to the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA). Zero hours of employee work time were lost during the school year 2021-22 due to workplace injuries. 

Athletic recognition. This was the list as of 3/1/23; there will be more to come next meeting:

  • Patriots Competitive Cheer placed third in the State Championships. 
  • Patriots Girls Basketball was a Class A South Regional Finalist
  • In the Class B State Alpine Championship, Ava Bowden finished 2nd in Giant Slalom and 8th in Slalom.
  • Named to the WMC All-Stars First Teams are Patriots Izzy Morelli (Girls BB), Nate Hebert (Boys BB), Michael Maines (Nordic Ski) and  Ava Beaudoin (Alpine Ski).
  • Named to the WMC All-Stars Second Team are Ali Portas (Girls BB), Noah Hebert (Boys BB), Emma Hutchings (Indoor Track Shot Put).
  • Named to WMC All-Defensive BB are  Ellie Steele (Girls BB), Aidan Hebert (Boys BB)
  • Named as WMC Senior Game All-Star participants:  Amber Fortin, Caitlin Taylor, Isa Ross, Max Kenny, Michael Ryan.
  • The following students were recognized as WMC All-Academic (GPA 93+): Leo Anketell, Skye Chandler, Jason Hart, Avery Haskins, Alexander Henry, Lexi Hutchings, Emma Hutchings, Max Kenney, Jenna Lynch, Michael Maines, Ashleen Perkins, Miles Post, Isabelle Ross, Cody Ray, Andrew Reynolds, Michael Ryan, Jr. and Lily Taylor.

New Business. Amy Arata had asked and was added to the agenda to discuss bills in the Legislature that might have an impact on the School Board.  There were no bills to comment on at this time. She reassured the Board that there is no interest in the Legislature on either side to change the State’s share of funding for public education. 

The Board approved an out-of-state overnight trip March 17-18 to Auburn, Massachusetts, for GNGHS Competitive Cheer to travel to the New England Championships. 

The Board considered committing $50,000 to be used as matching funds for a proposal in collaboration with the Town of Gray to pay for improvements to the sidewalks, crosswalks, and lighting between the Middle and High Schools. The sidewalks are not ADA-compliant at this time and lighting does not exist.

Consultant Anne Gass from Gray discussed two ways she is pursuing funding to help with the improvements project.  Keeping in mind that student and community safety is a priority, she is applying for funds through Congressionally-directed spending that provides federal lawmakers the ability to demonstrate priorities at home and their fight for constituents’ interests. She has submitted requests through both of our Senators and Representative Pingree. Ms. Gass is also working with the Maine Department of Transportation on a grant through their Bike and Pedestrian Safety Program.  A commitment from the Board for the matching funds would show that they are committed to this idea moving forward. The Board agreed to the proposal with the Finance Committee determining the most appropriate source for these funds. 

The Board accepted a $25,000 donation from Planson International for Performing Arts at Memorial School and Dunn School.  This is the second installment of a $125,000 donation from Planson International for this purpose.

The Board tabled until the next meeting the discussion to enter into an agreement with the Town of Gray regarding Libby Hill Trail. This agreement  between the Town of Gray, MSAD 15, and the Gray Community Endowment outlines the coordination of  trail maintenance and volunteer stewardship of the trails. This will translate into better planning for trail work and ensure that Libby Hill trails continue to be well-managed.

The Board received  a preliminary report on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) from Dr. King.  The IB Coordinator, Lisa Knedler,  along with Superintendent Craig King, is in the beginning stages of investigating the expansion of the current IB diploma program by adding the MYP for students aged 11 to 16.  This report detailed the steps MSAD 15 would take if it decides to move forward with this. The process would take at least five years.

The MYP provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement—essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.

Policies. The Board approved Policy IJND Website and  IJND-R Website Guidelines.  They also approved the EHAA Filtering Policy.

The Board removed policies IJNDA Governance Maine Learning Technology Initiative and IJNDA-R Governance Maine Learning Technology Initiative Procedures.  These policies are no longer needed as the district now owns the devices.

Committee Reports. The Facilities Committee reminded everyone that maintenance issues are ongoing.  The High School needed to have a hot water heater replaced for $5,000 over February break.  Both Memorial and Russell Schools have also had some heating issues.  These issues led the committee to a discussion of the Capital Improvement Plan and a prioritization of issues that need to be completed within the next year. Approximately $320,000 worth of projects were identified.  This is an increase over the average of $150,000 that was budgeted for each of the last three years. The committee also continues to move toward a major bond proposal for the district, with initial projections of about $15 million. The Personnel Committee shared a staffing update. Twenty-two open positions were advertised in February.  There are many new and expanded positions within the proposed budget. Contract negotiations with the Teachers Union continue. 

The Policy Committee continues to work on the Electronic Personal Device Policy.  The policy will most likely come to the Board for approval in April so that it will have a “trial run” for the remainder of the school year following the April break.  

The Finance and Curriculum Committees did not meet in February.

Board Chair Report. Chair Sam Pfeifle reported that there has been some negative response to the use of Remote Days as opposed to Snow Days. The rationale for the Remote Days is it eliminates the need to extend the school year later in June, when the heat in the buildings is not conducive to learning (none of the schools are air conditioned).

Superintendent’s Report. Superintendent Craig King announced several personnel changes. Jill Fecteau has been hired as a Self-Contained Ed Tech I at Dunn School as a new hire. Stacey Menard has resigned as a Ed Tech II at Dunn School effective June 30, 2023. Amanda Doyle, currently a 3-4 Teacher from Dunn School is transferring to an Ed Tech II position. The location will be determined effective for the ‘23-’24 school-year.

In January, the Personnel Committed recommended that a half-time Special Education Director position be created to assist with the increased demands on the Special Education Department for the remainder of this school year.  As a result of this, Patricia Dudzinski is transferring from a 1.0 Special Education Teacher to a .5 Special Education Teacher at Dunn School and a .5 Assistant Special Education Director for the entire district  to end June 30, 2023. Marianne Ovady is transferring from a Special Education Ed Tech II to a .5 Special Education Ed Tech II and a .5 Special Education Ed Tech III at the Dunn School to end June 30, 2023.  This new position has been added to next year’s budget, and a search is on to fill this position permanently for the upcoming school year.