
Please use Zoom to allow community participation in meetings

|A letter to the select board from John Salisbury|

Board Members-

It is my understanding that you will be considering returning to zoom meeting for The Board of Selectmen and Committees at tonight’s emergency meeting.

I support your approval permitting the use of zoom for not only emergencies but for also hybrid meetings on a continuing basis.  Attached is a publication of the Greater Portland Council of Governments re: the use of zoom for public meetings.  They recommend using the webinar feature of Zoom Pro which as the publication points out “….provides greater control over public participation.”  The cost is nominal- $40 per month.

Adoption of hybrid meetings for the Board and Committees will afford all of us who reside in the Town greater opportunity to express our views on issues under consideration by not only the Board of Selectmen.  In my own instance I have submitted my resignation on the Charter Commission as I will be away from my residence on an extended basis while the Commission is doing its business.   It is time to recognize and use the benefits technology affords.  Technology is, in my opinion, important to expanded knowledge and interest in Town affairs.  Our young families and elderly such as myself will greatly appreciate having the Board of Selectmen take action that will permit greater citizen participation in town affairs.

John Salisbury
417B Sabbathday Road

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