| Pineland Farms |
Please share! Currently our sledding hill is open. Our groomed sledding hill has always been a big hit, and we love providing this free activity to our community.
But there are some important reminders that we would like to share so that everyone has a fun time and can safely access the hill. A lot of this information can already be found on our website at: https://pinelandfarms.org/recreation/winter/sledding/ We ask that everyone reviews this page before visiting so that we can continue to offer this awesome winter activity.
- Parking is limited and only allowed in designated areas (marked with sledding hill parking signs).
- There is NO PARKING along the road, at the greenhouse, or at the Pineland Farms Natural Meats Company to allow farm vehicle and employee access.
- Parking is first-come, first-serve. Overflow parking is available on the Pineland Farms campus.
- Pineland Farms does not allow dogs on the premises to ensure the greatest safety of all visitors to the farm and Pineland Farms’ animals.
- Sledding is allowed on the groomed area only.
- Please visit our trail conditions page for daily updates, and do not sled if the sledding hill is closed. https://pinelandfarms.org/recreation/trail-conditions/
- Please be respectful to others sledding on the hill and our staff members who alert you to sledding closures, safety conditions, and parking concerns. #pinelandfarms #winterfun #staysafe #sleddinghill
— from Pineland Farms on Facebook January 28