
Norumbega Cidery license, paving/chip seal bid docs, workshops lead Board’s May 15 agenda

Review of a draft bid documents for paving/chip seal projects, an on-premises liquor license application for Norumbega Cidery, and scheduling of a Special Town Meeting and several workshops are among the items on the Select Board’s May 15 agenda.

The meeting convenes at 7 p.m. at the Meetinghouse and will be live-streamed on Castus at this link. A brief Assessors’ session to consider a tax abatement is up first, and then attention will turn to the Select Board agenda.

Norumbega Cidery public hearing. Norumbega Cidery is applying for a license to serve beer, wine and spirits on premises at 380 Woodman Road. A public hearing will be held at the start of the meeting; the board is likely to take formal action on the request later in the meeting [agenda packet pp. 11-24].

Draft chip seal/paving RFP. A draft bid package for upcoming chip seal/paving projects is ready for the board’s review. [pp. 25-46]. If the RFP is approved, bids would be due June 15. Mentioned in the bid documents are sections of Snow Hill Road and Penney Road and Bryana Way, Elderberry Lane, Waterman Drive and McKenney Drive; the scope of hoped-for work may be broader. As always, which roads ultimately get attention depends on asphalt prices and how far budgeted funds can stretch.

Scheduling: Special Town Meeting, workshops. The board is slated to discuss scheduling a Special Town Meeting before July 1. Topics would likely include whether to use $500,000 from the Undesignated Fund to offset taxation in FY24 as well as possible zoning ordinance changes.

In addition, the board is considering several possible board workshops: one on policies and procedures around diversity, equity and inclusion; another with the Environmental Resources Committee to review their research on recycling and consider next steps; and to review the Bylaws for Boards and Committees.

Find the full agenda and related documents, including an update from Town Manager Bill Kerbin, at this link. Public comments can be submitted by email before 10 am on Monday, May 15, to and If you want your comment read aloud, please indicate that in the subject line.

— Joanne Cole