Culture Spotlight

NG Food Pantry June food theme

| Erin Pendexter Stone, NG Food Pantry |

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

Happy June!

May was filled with bountiful donations. Thank you for adding over 75 cans of baked beans, canned pasta and boxes of crackers. Your donations truly make a difference in the amount and kind of foods we are able to provide to our neighbors in need.

Our need for June is:
Healthy cereal
100% fruit juice
Healthy snacks for children
– We are always in need of crackers

Many thanks to the staff at the NGXchange who provide important community news to all of us for free and to Emily at the New Gloucester public library for the easy and accessible drop-off location for your donations.

We always welcome new volunteers to help sort, pack, pick up and distribute food. If you would like a fun summer activity for the children, please call the church office at 926-3260.

Erin Pendexter Stone
New Gloucester Food Pantry