New Gloucester Fire Rescue, in partnership with the Red Cross and BLING (Building Livability in New Gloucester), is igniting a new program for town residents.
Ten-year smoke alarms will be installed in your home, free of charge. Everyone is eligible: there are no age or income requirements.
Would you like to become a trained volunteer smoke alarm installer?
Our first Smoke Alarm Installation Workshop will be Sunday, Nov. 12. Additional dates will be scheduled as needed.
There are several ways you can sign up for a free smoke alarm, or to become a Red Cross trained volunteer installer:
- Come to the annual NGFR Open House & Chicken BBQ, New Gloucester Fire House, 611 Lewiston Road, Saturday, Oct. 14, 10 am to 2 pm
Stop by the Red Cross / BLING booth
- Fill out a Smoke Alarm Request & Volunteer Signup card at the NG Public Library, and drop in the BLING box
- Email BLING