|Erin Pendexter Stone, NG Food Pantry|
Dear Community members,
Happy April! Our shelves are filling up thanks to all of you! The response to our monthly plea continues to be incredible. April we will focus on condiments. Thank you for picking up an extra container to place in the donation box at the library to help stock our shelves so that we may continue to feed our neighbors in need. This is also a nice opportunity while grocery shopping to introduce young children to the concept of charity.
Our need for April is:
• Ketchup
• Mayonnaise
• Mustard
• Relish
• Salad dressings
• And we continue to need crackers
We are so grateful for Emily and Jay at the New Gloucester public library for the easy and accessible drop off location for your donations.
Erin Pendexter Stone
New Gloucester Food Pantry