Government Spotlight

New Gloucester Cable TV Committee update: Out with Zoom, in with live streaming!

The select board voted Monday, June 7th, to move off Zoom and into in-person meetings for committees and boards. The Cable TV Committee has been working to expand the offerings for citizens to stay informed of Town happenings. We are happy to introduce live streaming, which complements the cable TV channel (Channel 3 and 1302) already in place. You may find the New Gloucester Town Live Streaming Link here: More detailed information about the changeover will be forthcoming.

During the transition for the next week or so, some previously scheduled meetings will remain on Zoom. Please check the town website and each committee and board’s page for details on how to view these meetings. New meetings made will be in person.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Peter Bragdon, the select board member liaison to the Cable TV Committee: