Voters of New Gloucester and Gray have the opportunity to learn about and weigh in on the proposed FY 23-24 school budget on Thursday May 16. The budget validation town meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at GNG High School, 10 Libby Hill Road in Gray. Clerks from both communities will be on hand for voter check-in; residents can register to vote at the meeting.
Budget overview. The District’s May 2024 Budget Message to the community provides both an overview of the proposed FY25 budget and helpful context. It includes the warrant articles for the May 16 meeting, along with information about the District’s goals and how they relate to the budget, student achievements, and specifics about the budget, including challenges faced this year and comparisons with neighboring towns’ budgets and with the state as a whole.
The FY25 budget proposes total expenditures of $33,304,788. According to the May Budget Message, it includes new math and English instructional materials, a Special Education Ed Tech for Dunn School, two general education social workers for K-12, a new business manager position, and extensive replacement of technology used by students, among other elements.
The figures voters will see on May 16 were approved by the School Board in late April, and they reflect significant reductions compared with the budget initially proposed. Following extended review by the School Board, the Finance Committee, and district administrators, items were eliminated or adjusted to reduce the impact on taxpayers, among them a gateway teacher for the Middle School, two Ed Tech positions for Memorial and Russell and a bus driver position. Those and other reductions resulted in a net decrease of $617,173 to the bottom line.
The resulting reduced figures, approved by the Board on April 24, now go to voters. Find the May 2024 Budget Message with details at this link.
The Budget Town Meeting and next steps. What can voters expect at Thursday’s meeting? Superintendent Craig King will give an overview of the budget, and then veteran moderator Greg Im of Drummond Woodsum will take up the warrant. Residents will have a chance to ask questions before voting on an article. Find the meeting agenda and warrant with notes at this link.
The budget total approved by voters on May 16 will go next to the town clerks and onto municipal ballots for a referendum vote, part of the June 11 municipal election. In New Gloucester, June 11 voting will take place at the Fire Station, 611 Lewiston Road, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
But Thursday’s budget validation town meeting comes first. Join the budget discussion on Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 at the High School.
— Joanne Cole