
Lockout lifted

To: MSAD 15 Staff, Families, and Community
From: Chanda Turner, Interim Superintendent
Date: January 22, 2025 11:20 a.m.
Re: Lockout Lifted

At 11:20 we received confirmation from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office that the situation on Shaker Road was resolved and we could lift the lock out. All schools are now operating as usual. 

Additional actions of note:

Just before 11:15 am central office as well as other area residences received an automated call from the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office advising people in the area to Shelter in Place. While we attempted to access more information from law enforcement, we notified Russell School and Central Office to go into lockout until we could learn more. While in the process of notifying these locations to lock out, we received the communication from Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office that the incident had concluded and lockout was no longer required.