
In support of Colleen Strickler for New Gloucester Select Board Member

| Letter to the Editor – CeCe Sullivan Rohrbach |

This letter represents my own views, not those of the Town of New Gloucester Library Board of Trustees as a whole.

I have had the pleasure of working with Colleen Strickler for three years on the Library Board of Trustees, and cannot think of another citizen who would be a better fit for the Select Board. When Colleen joined the Board of Trustees, it was a challenging time. During the three years of her tenure, she has brought a thoughtful perspective and established a responsive and approachable demeanor.

Much of what we as trustees have accomplished benefited from Colleen’s enthusiasm, human resource knowledge and values. She not only has a professionalism and deep connection to this community, but what sets her apart are other qualities. Colleen has a deeply collaborative work style, in which she is interested in hearing all opinions, with an open mind. She actively encourages new ideas, with kindness and humor. In meetings, she was most interested in hearing how she could be an ally, to streamline the work of the Trustees and library staff, fostering more buy-in and robust planning. She has built a reputation of trust and reliability within the town, bringing a level head, and overall understanding of town dynamics and hard work.

Please join me in supporting Colleen Strickler for Select Board member this June 13, 6am to 8pm at the Fire Station.

CeCe Sullivan Rohrbach

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