
Help support the Friends of the Library Annual Appeal

Greetings, New Gloucester Friends and Neighbors,

We are three weeks away from the end of our Annual Appeal. Just a reminder that except for special events, this is our major fundraiser for our fiscal year.

All of the funds raised will support library programming, including guest authors, activities for children and adults, movie nights, etc. The library is a wonderful resource for our community and each of us can make a difference in expanding its offerings and giving our librarians the tools to make that happen.

We netted $200 for the bulb sales and hopefully we will reach our $1,500 goal through your generosity. Any amount is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. Checks are welcome by mail or dropped off at the library. Here is the link for PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account and all credit cards are accepted.

Wishing you and yours good health and warmth throughout the holiday season.

The Friends Board