Culture Spotlight

Food pantry May theme

|Erin Pendexter Stone, NG Food Pantry|

Dear Friends & Neighbors, 

Happy May!

 Our shelves continue to reap the rewards of your generosity.  Thank you so very much for helping us feed our neighbors in need.  Your donations are making a difference in what foods we are able to distribute. This is also a nice opportunity while grocery shopping to introduce young children to the concept of charity. 

Our need for May is:
• Baked Beans
• Canned pasta with meat
• We are always in need of crackers

We are so grateful for Emily and Jay at the New Gloucester public library for the easy and accessible drop off location for your donations and for those at the NGXchange committed to providing important community news free for the reading. 

Erin Pendexter Stone
New Gloucester Food Pantry