Want to learn how to tie flies?
Rob Cotiaux will teach a free class on introductory fly tying, along with discussions on aquatic invertebrates, trout, and conservation, at the New Gloucester Public Library. The class is open to adults and teens and will meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 6pm, starting on February 28. All supplies will be provided.
Rob has been fly tying since he was 8 years old. He is a professional forester, Registered Maine Guide, Conservation Chair of Trout Unlimited Sebago, runs the Maine Trout Camp, and is Vice Chair of the New Gloucester Public Library Board of Trustees.
To register: email newgoucesterlibrary@gmail.com, call 207-926-4840, or stop by.
from New Gloucester Public Library on Facebook
— Please note: Supplies need to be ordered soon, so register now!