Editor’s note: The Planning Board’s January 3 meeting has been cancelled, as the board needs additional information from Five Maples for review.
Five Maples, LLC, is slated to return to the Planning Board on Tuesday, January 3, for continued review of its proposed multiplex at 52 Peacock Hill Road. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Meetinghouse and will be live-streamed on Castus at this link.
Five Maples wants to convert an existing farmhouse into a four-unit multiplex for Airbnb-type rentals in the Upper Village zone (Map 19 Lot 26). Five Maples’s representatives first appeared before the Planning Board in early November and have returned in the course of developing the firm’s application and supporting materials. A public hearing was recently held on the project.
For the full January 3 Planning Board meeting agenda and related documents, check the Planning Board webpage at this link.
— Joanne Cole