
Earth Day and every day: We can all do our part

Earth. Watercolor by Elena Mozhvilo, Unsplash

|Kyla Viger, Environmental Resources Committee| 

This Monday, April 22, countless people all over the world will celebrate the 52nd annual Earth Day, theme of which is “Planet vs. Plastics.” According to the official Earth Day website, their current goal, titled “60×40,” is to reduce production of all plastic worldwide by 60% by the year 2040.

To achieve a 60% reduction by 2040, EARTHDAY.ORG’s goals are:
(1) promoting widespread public awareness of the damage done by plastic to human, animal, and all biodiversity’s health and demanding more research be conducted on its health implications, including the release of any and all information regarding its effects to the public;
(2) rapidly phasing out all single use plastics by 2030 and achieving this phase out commitment in the United Nations Treaty on Plastic Pollution in 2024; (3) demanding policies ending the scourge of fast fashion and the vast amount of plastic it produces and uses; and
 (4) investing in innovative technologies and materials to build a plastic-free world. Learn more here.

We can also take part in these world-wide initiatives every day by recycling, bringing reusable cups to our favorite coffee place, bringing our own reusable produce and grocery bags as we shop, picking up trash from the side of the road or the woods behind our house, have our heating system serviced to increase its efficiency, or even plant native seeds and plants to support our local ecosystem.

We are all stewards of the environment and can do our part!