The BLING (Building Livability in New Gloucester) volunteer group is pleased to announce the launch of its new blingnewgloucester website.

BLING is a group of community volunteers who have come together to help New Gloucester become an Age-Friendly Community for people of all ages. We have been working for the last two years to gather community input and launch projects of relevance to the community. We have relied on a community survey, a listening session, conversations at community events (such as the Community Fair and the NG Fire/Rescue BBQ), and data from the “M-DASH” data project to identify priority project areas.
The website provides news on current projects and summaries of past projects.
We are particularly excited to share our Community Resources page. Here are links to a comprehensive list of area programs, activities, agencies, and opportunities for people of all ages. Topical areas include:
• Health services and supports
• Young children activities
• Youth activities
• Home safety, repair and energy
• Food and nutrition
• legal, financial and tax help
• Transportation
• Service and social activities
• Recreation, fitness and outdoors
• Education and learning
We will be updating the website with information about ongoing projects and will add new resources on a periodic basis. We welcome input from the community.
Please contact us if you would like to get ongoing updates or would like to volunteer as opportunities arise.
BLING is committed to supporting New Gloucester as an Age-Friendly Livable Community where people of all ages can live safely and comfortably, socialize with neighbors, enjoy recreational activities, get around safely and easily, be engaged in civic life, and make the town a lifelong home.
Thank you.
The BLING Team
Julie Fralich
Greta Atchinson
Beth Blakeman-Pohl
Pam Fischer
Mary Beth Johnson
Connie Justice
Anne Maurice
Patti Mikkelson
Deb Smith
Pat Vampatella