
Aquatic plant identification workshop

Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM), together with Sabbathday Lake Association will host a Live Plant Identification workshop at the First Congregational Church in New Gloucester on Tuesday, July 16 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

In this indoor class, guests will learn how to identify a number of common native and invasive aquatic plants.This useful program will cover basic botany, plant structure, and life cycles for aquatic plants. Guests will learn how to use LSM’s “Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Plants” to determine whether plants are native or invasive, discover which aquatic invasive plants are infesting Maine lakes, and learn how to become an invasive plant patrol (IPP) volunteer. This class is required for those seeking Tier 2 certification through LSM.

This class is free to all. Pre-registration is required for all guests. Please sign up by visiting:https://www.lakestewardsofmaine.org/online-registration-for-in-person-workshops/
Upon registration, all guests will receive information on workshop details and location.

Lake Stewards of Maine is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization which works to protect Maine lakes and to promote lake stewardship through widespread citizen participation in the gathering and dissemination of credible scientific information pertaining to lake health. For more information, please contact 207-783-7733, email stewards@lakestewardsme.org, or visit www.lakestewardsofmaine.org.