|Letter to the editor,
Julie Ricardi|
To the editor:
I strongly support Anne Gass for the Maine House of Representatives, District 104, because she engages honestly and openly with people – all people – to listen and to learn, and she’s practical and driven when it comes to getting things done. If you check out her website, anne-gass.org, you’ll learn a lot about her accomplishments over the years and you’ll find specific examples of actions she’s taken to make our community a better place to live. I’ve known Anne for over 20 years and reading her website I learned she started the Building Materials Exchange (BME) that used to be on Rt. 100—what a great service the BME still provides today! And I had no idea Anne worked to make it a reality those many years ago.
I served with Anne on the MSAD 15 school board when our kids were in grade school and found her to be a keen listener and active participant in finding practical outcomes for many situations. I also learned during that time that Anne is really creative and thoughtful and she enjoys the process of solving problems! Anne has an independent spirit and truly enjoys learning from the experiences of those around her, and I know from working with her that she respects and considers every viewpoint when forming her own conclusions.
As a registered Independent for many years, I pay more attention to the individual candidates and what they stand for and accomplish than to the parties to which they belong. I’m voting for Anne Gass on November 8th and I hope you’ll join me. Vote Indie for a change!
Julie Ricardi
New Gloucester
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