News Spotlight

Air Quality Grant and Capital Improvement Bond

TO: MSAD 15 Community
FROM: Craig King, Superintendent
DATE: September 6, 2024
RE: Air Quality Grant and Capital Improvement Bond

Our students have already completed a whole week of school. Students and staff returned to school with a sense of anticipation. Like every first week of school, students and staff have refreshed and refocused for the year ahead. Our students can and do achieve at high levels. They will continue to do so because we have a supportive community, dedicated employees, and strong families. I am proud of our schools and the students they serve, and I feel fortunate to be entrusted with helping create the conditions for their success.

We have created a comprehensive, informative section on our website that provides the public with an extraordinary amount of detailed information regarding the Air Quality Grant and Capital Improvement Bond. This site provides detailed information on every facet of the project including, but not limited to:

  • Ballot wording for the three questions
  • Project Needs Assessments
  • Purpose of the project
  • Benefits of the project to the school and community
  • Financial impact information
  • Diagrams, charts, and photos
  • Recordings of Bond project meetings and workshops
  • Other foundational and background information
  • FAQ Page

I encourage all students, parents, employees, and citizens to spend time on the site to learn about the proposal which will appear on the ballot on Election Day, November 5, 2024. Go to any page on the MSAD 15 website and click on the big red button.