Signs around town warn of loose stone ahead, as several roads get chip seal treatment this season. C.H. Paradis was “a little surprised by the recent adding of crushed rock to our new paved road”–he lives on Waterman Drive–“along with a few other roads in town.”
So Paradis decided to research “the reason and engineering” behind adding chip seal to a road, he told NGX. He found a video that details the rationale and steps in the chip seal process and wanted to share it with fellow residents.
The video is from the Kent County Road Commission, responsible for some 2,000 miles of roads and 172 bridges in and around Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Paradis said he hopes New Gloucester follows up this fall with “the traditional fog sealing” mentioned in the video as a final step in the chip seal process. “Fog seal” is a light coat of asphalt emulsion applied after the chip seal has cured, and smooths and further hardens the surface, according to the Kent County video.
Roads on the list for chip seal treatment this year include McKinney Drive, Bryana Way, Elderberry Lane and segments of Bald Hill Road and Penney Road – along with C.H. Paradis’ Waterman Drive.
— Joanne Cole