“Lord, what fools these mortals be!” says mischievous Puck, as his misdirected magic sows mayhem in the forest for two young couples and a band of tradesmen rehearsing a play, as well as for bickering Oberon and Titania, the King and Queen of the Fairies.
Will the spells be broken and the lovers united with their proper partners in time? Will Oberon and Titania kiss and make up? Will Bottom the weaver remain forever transformed into an ass? Was it all just a midsummer night’s dream?
Join the Patriot Players of GNG High School as they bring Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream to life on April 27, 28 and 29 in the cafetorium of the High School, 10 Libby Hill Road in Gray.
Performances begin at 7 pm; doors open at 6:30. Tickets are $3 for students and seniors and $5 for adults.