Government Spotlight

Select Board April 5 agenda

The select board will take up more than twenty-five action items at their meeting on Monday April 5, in what promises to be a long and wide-ranging evening.

Topics on the April 5 agenda include

  • A presentation by Alan Stearns, executive director of Royal River Conservation Trust, about the joint RRCT – GNG Little League project for land and trails in the Lower Village and an expanded ballfield complex in the Intervale
  • Possible initial steps toward town ownership of a CMP parcel on Grange Hall Road in connection with the RRCT/GNGLL project
  • Adding the recently revised Comprehensive Plan to the June 8 warrant and scheduling a public hearing on the warrant
  • The select board’s three appointments to the charter commission
  • A date for the community fair
  • Bid specifications for a new transfer station loader, if approved by voters on the April 13 special ballot

The meeting begins at 7 pm on Zoom. The full agenda, Zoom codes for logging in, and the 156 pages of supporting documents can be accessed here

Minutes from past meetings and agendas for upcoming BOS meetings can be found under Boards and Committees on the town website and accessed here.

Joanne Cole