
Public information Meeting on Charter Process

A public meeting about the process by which New Gloucester residents may create and institute a town charter will be held this coming Thursday, March 21, at 6:30 PM in the vestry of the Congregational Church in the Lower Village.

The program will include a presentation by former State Representative Donnie Carroll of Gray, who will speak about why Gray voted for a Charter in that town, and how it has worked. John Salisbury, of New Gloucester, a member of the New Gloucester Citizens for a Town Charter group hosting this meeting and the original author of Maine’s Home Rule statute, will talk about the purpose of the state laws that allow and guide the process. Both Carroll and Salisbury will take questions from the audience, and a good discussion is anticipated.

Whether or not the town of New Gloucester will begin the process by authorizing the creation of a Charter Commission will be determined by a June vote at the ballot box, not by a town meeting vote.

The event is free of charge, and refreshments will be served.