
How to Get Rid of Moles and Japanese Beetles

How to get rid of moles and Japanese Beetles: Use beneficial nematodes for grub control.

| Joanne McKee, Environmental Resources Committee |

Moles eat grubs that are in your lawns and gardens. To get rid of the moles you must get rid of the grubs. One way to do this organically is to use nematodes.

Nematodes are microscopic non-segmented worms which occur naturally in soils all over the world. Beneficial nematodes attack only soil-dwelling insects and leave plants alone. Beneficial nematodes and the bacteria they spread are not known to be harmful to humans, animals, plants, earthworms and other non-targeted organisms, but they do aggressively pursue insects like grubs. In field studies, they have been shown to be as much as 96% effective against Japanese beetle grubs.

Although many species of beneficial nematodes are available, Heterorhabdidis bacteriophora (Hb) are most effective against Japanese beetles, European chafer and other grubs that are lawn pests. Hb nematodes work better because they are cruiser nematodes that burrow down in the soil searching for deep soil-dwelling pests. They also have a special “tooth” that help them get into the grub.

NOTE: The best time to apply Hb nematodes is mid to late August. They are shipped in the juvenile stage and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks and are applied on an overcast day, preferably at dusk. The package is very small, 4”square at the most, and contains about 1 million nematodes. A handheld sprayer or hose-end sprayer is used to spread them. Directions are included when the package is purchased.

Nematodes are available locally at Paris Farmers Union, O’Donal’s Nursery, Skillins Greenhouses, Fedco Seeds, and online at gardeners.com.

The Environmental Resources Committee of New Gloucester