
Failed Articles… New Warrant… Failed Select Board!

| Beverly Cadigan |

First: The 8/12 Q&A meeting on the new warrant…or Where We Are

The first question asked in the 8/12 Q&A meeting was “What happens if the article for the Library does not pass?”  This was not the first time this question had been asked of the town manager or the select board, but it was the first time it was answered. 

Brenda Fox-Howard, the town manager, answered the question.  She explained that when it became clear that the town could not have an in-person town meeting, she and Sharlene Myers attended a training session given by Maine Municipal Association on the laws around the ballot process for towns that normally hold an in-person town meeting.  They learned that for the first ballot, if there were any failures (articles that did not pass), the town was allowed a 60-day window to hold another election for those items that failed.  Brenda stated that during the process of voting there was an article in place (on the first warrant) to allow for a budget to be carried forward from the previous year until such a time as all the articles passed.  This allowed the town to pay for and operate those articles that did not pass until such time as they passed.  She went on to explain that the difference right now is we are in that 60-day window and “there is not another 60 days.”  So, the town cannot continue to fund any articles beyond the (September) 15th that do not pass.  If the Library article fails, there would be no funding to keep the Library open at all.  The town would close the Library until the select board decided whether they “wanted” to hold another election or not.  This would also apply to the Planning Department should that article not pass.

To this “new” and rather shocking information, Karen Gilles, select board chair, responded that we are in unprecedented times.  And, she said, “unfortunately, her original assumption was that we would have that same period of time to go back” …but with Brenda getting the clarification from MMA “it is what it is.”  She added that “we did not want to be in this position, but we just have to get through it and do the best we can do at this point.”

Second: How Did We Get Here?

My immediate reaction to the statement that “there is not another 60 days” …was WHY???

Is it because the select board did not include the article to allow for a budget to be carried forward from the previous year until such a time as the all articles passed like they did on the previous warrant?

Was everyone, like Karen, “assuming” that there would be the same 60 days and another vote? 

The select board and the town manager obviously did not have (or ask for) all the information they…and the budget committee…needed to evaluate the situation and make their decisions on the second warrant.  During the joint budget workshop (7/29) there was much discussion about additional hours for the Assistant Librarian in terms of how many were needed vs. how many were needed to have the article pass.  But there were no questions or any discussion about what would happen if the article did not pass.  They had no idea about the consequences of a failed article on the second warrant.   

This question of a failed article on the second warrant had been asked before.  During the voting process explanation in the Q&A Zoom meeting (6/22) held for questions on the first warrant, Peter Bragdon (then private citizen and member of the budget committee) asked, “If a budget is not adopted by 60 days, what happens?”  The response from the town manager was, “You’re in trouble.”  Peter added that he hoped that would not happen, but he did not know the answer if it did.  The town manager simply said, “We would have trouble.”  I do not find these answers at all adequate or helpful.

The question of what would happen if an article on the second warrant failed was again asked by the Library Trustees at their meeting on 8/10.  The select board liaison to the Library, Linda Chase, said she did not know…yet the question was first asked by Peter Bragdon in June!

Third: So, What Now?

Over and over in this budget process the select board has said “let the people decide.”  And the town manager and the select board have been so concerned about not providing any information in writing about either of the warrants that would not be legal… “we can’t do that; we can’t sway the vote.”  Sounds good?  But then whatever the cause or reason, the citizens of New Gloucester were clearly shoved out of the democratic process for the vote on this second warrant.

The town manager said in the 8/12 Q&A meeting that perhaps we could vote again…IF the select board decides to have another vote…but “voting is expensive.”  Has the select board chosen to say “take our recommendation or we will close the Library” in the hope that Article #2 will pass and this whole budget mess will be neatly over?

Unfortunately for the citizens of New Gloucester, arrogance coupled with being ill-informed has seemingly left us up against a wall.  But I for one will not be bullied by this select board! 

I will be voting NO on Article #2.

Beverly Cadigan, 85 Gloucester Hill Road